Question Everything with Peter Catapano
Question Everything with Peter Catapano
Poetrycast: Three Hauntingly Sad Poems by Franz Wright

Poetrycast: Three Hauntingly Sad Poems by Franz Wright

Come on, you can take it. It's only three minutes.

I so enjoyed recording, producing and composing my recitation of Alan Dugan’s poem “Notes Toward a Spring Offensive” a few days ago that I decided to do it again. It was an easy and informal way to begin to express without lecturing or pedantry something I’ve always wanted to express — the absolutely crucial role that poetry has played and continues to play in my working and waking life. How it raises just a little each day I spend time with it the quality of my being.

This is kind of tough for me. Where I grew up, liking poetry was something that might get you mocked or beat up. But the bullies have all gone home.

If you enjoy this format or don’t, leave a comment saying so. If you have a poem or poems you’d like me to recite soon, leave that in the comments as well.

The life of this poet, Franz Wright, was fraught with pain and sadness, but also the highest art. I like to believe that his gift for illumination has outlived that pain. Even today, some 30 years after I discovered his work, I feel like all his books are somehow quietly glowing on our bookshelves.

Feel free to share this with someone you have conflicting feelings about.


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Question Everything with Peter Catapano
Question Everything with Peter Catapano
Notes, insights and conversations on writing, music, art, philosophy and creativity from the founding editor of The New York Times philosophy series The Stone.