Question Everything with Peter Catapano
Question Everything with Peter Catapano
In Which I Read Two Poems — 'Bed' and 'Those Winter Sundays' —for Father's Day

In Which I Read Two Poems — 'Bed' and 'Those Winter Sundays' —for Father's Day

One accidental find and one classic by Robert Hayden.

I find it very interesting to be in the fortunate position of being a son to my father and a father to my daughter at once. I get to wish him a Happy Father’s Day in the morning and have dinner with her tonight. It’s a wonderful and complicated thing to inhabit these two roles, and of course, each continually informs the other.

I chose these two poems for the day and hope you enjoy my reading of them and some of the background I provide. One poem I found completely by accident, and the other, which I’ve known for years, never fails to move me to reflect both on my own childhood and the one I helped provide for my daughter.

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Question Everything with Peter Catapano
Question Everything with Peter Catapano
Notes, insights and conversations on writing, music, art, philosophy and creativity from the founding editor of The New York Times philosophy series The Stone.